If you want to destroy enemies in Elden Ring Using freezing, soon get the Distral Ax of Frosted Bark

In an soulsborne anyone can have their preferences when using a weapon based on their power or attack speed. But where you can never make ascas to an offensive team is in relation to the passive effects that causes.

Without going further, in Elden Ring there are weapons that, as a passive effect, cause the accumulation of hemorrhages, putrefaction, poison or even sleep, without this being related to the element that may have associated, such as magical damage, fire, ray or sacred. And as you will have suffered from some enemies, the accumulation of freezing is one of the most lethal effects, hence it is highly recommended to achieve the frozen crust district as soon as possible.

One of the few weapons that cause freezing

That there are speedrunners that opt for this weapon is another clear indicative of why you should get it as soon as possible. In fact, it is not even mandatory to defeat the chief Margit of the stormy veil castle to obtain it, since she is in the Liurnian region, which you can access on the eastern side of the castle.

Your location is in the neighborhood of the temples , to the southwest of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. It has no loss, being the ax in the only chest of there, right in the center of that small area. Now, be careful with the enemies of the alderders, especially with the giant poisonous flower. U opt for stealth, go.

If this ax is as good is because it causes the accumulation of freezing (65) **, a quite high figure for a state that, as you will know, not only do a lot of damage and a critic when it makes it The enemy is more vulnerable to your subsequent attacks. In addition, it is a very light ax that, therefore, has a very high attack speed. Ideal starter.

On the other hand, it is quite affordable in terms of requirements to be able to handle it, asking only 11 of strength and 16 of skill, climbing both attributes, as is logical. Although if it is so powerful it is not only by the accumulation of freezing with standard blows, but also for its ability ( Frosty trample ), which consumes 10 PC and can sweep entire groups of enemies with extreme ease. In the Larmeo area of Mohgwyn is crazy.

Improved to the maximum may not seem so powerful, but it ends up marking the difference precisely because of that accumulation of freezing with great ease.

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